How much would you pay for a chance to make the cut of 576 players for a chance to be one of the 8 closest to the pin for a chance to win a million dollars per hole? 72 holes 72 million

Questions How much would you pay for a chance to make the cut of 576 players for a chance to be one of the 8 closest to the pin for a chance to win a million dollars per hole? 72 holes 72 million

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How much would you pay for a chance to make the cut of 576 players for a chance to be one of the 8 closest to the pin for a chance to win a million dollars per hole? 72 holes 72 million

By Khalid | 14 Jun, 2024 at 23:41

odds of making cut 1 / 1667 odds of winning a million after making the cut 1 / 8


  • Jimpens
  • qwert
  • Khalid
By Jimpens 15 Sep, 2024 at 09:27
Testing, but what I write does no apprar.
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